When did you start at Designs in Mind?
I started in early 2015
Has coming to Designs in Mind helped with your overall mental health?
Emphatically YES!
Has coming to Designs in Mind helped with your confidence?
Yes, in an unseen and personal way.
If Designs in Mind wasn’t here what other services would you have used?
I would have used The Samaritans. I would be using the NHS more often, my GP and counselling services.
Are you involved with any other projects other than the morning workshops? Would you like to be?
I am involved with the wood carving workshops, it’s very enjoyable.
What is your favourite project or product?
The first thing I produced on my own were pictures made out of string. Some of these are now on display on a hospital ward.
How has Designs in Mind helped you outside of the studio?
It has made me leave the house and discover Oswestry. I visit neighbours and friends and am learning to do things on my own and for myself and enjoying it without guilt.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Carrying on, seeing grandchildren grow up.