Member Story – Interview Kelly

Member Stories
13 January 2023

When did you start at Designs in Mind?

I started in May 2022

Has coming to Designs in Mind helped with your overall mental health?

100% yes!

Has coming to Designs in Mind helped with your confidence?

I have always been semi confident but it has definitely made a huge difference and has given me a purpose again.

If Designs in Mind wasn’t here what other services would you have used?

I would have used my GP and the community mental health team.   If Designs in Mind wasn’t her I’m not sure what I would have done because there is nowhere else like this to go.

Are you involved with any other projects other than the morning workshops? Would you like to be?

I have a chronic illness so my energy is very limited, and getting into the studio for extra sessions is hard for me. However, I do enjoy the online Making Alongside sessions.

What is your favourite project or product?

As I haven’t been coming that long I would have to say the collage project for an upcoming installation at the Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen.  I have also enjoyed designing cards for our new shop.

How has Designs in Mind helped you outside of the studio?

I feel inspired by Designs in Mind to draw at home. Learning that art is not always about the finished piece or perfection has really helped me to be more creative.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would love to be back at work but being chronically ill it is hard to predict.  I would just like to be healthy and happy.

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