Because it took such a long time for my mental illness to be diagnosed, it was a long time before any recovery could begin. It was an extremely frightening and worrying time for both myself and members of my family, my suddenly becoming unwell put immense strain on some of my relationships.
Lack of knowledge, confusion, anger, and fear, all fueled the fire of my illness and how people behaved towards me.
When I was finally referred to the mental health service and diagnosed with conversion disorder it was a huge relief to everyone. At last, I was prescribed the correct medication and began well-needed therapy and treatments that would improve my mental illness. This is where my recovery began.
Step by step my illness gradually began to improve. I was able to get out and do more, relationships began rebuilding, and my support system slowly grew. Over 3 years parts of the old me re-emerged and I began starting to build a new life for myself.
I would class myself as I’m still in recovery and always will be. My mental illness is just something that I’ve learned to live and deal with better.
On February the 11th 2018, we launched a crowdfunding campaign. We want to start a conversation about mental health that is powerful. No more treading on eggshells. We are not invisible, We do not want to be hidden away. Our work in the studio and shop is #SmashingStigma every day, and now we are going to be a little noisier.
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As part of the campaign we are also looking for more blogs about mental health stigma, so please get in touch if you have a story to share.
#smashingstigma #MentalHealth #campaign #MentalHealthStigma