My mental illness developed as a result of excess stress and pressure caused through my job. I was Ward Sister of a Paediatric Surgical Unit.
After my breakdown I eventually had to make the hardest decision of my life. I had to leave the job I loved doing and a career that I had worked hard to train for.
It took me almost two and a half years of counselling and treatment before I finally came to terms with the fact that I’d lost my job, and that I would never work with my friends and colleagues of 18 years again.
That’s one of the things about mental illness, it can strike at anytime to anyone and when you least expect it. It can completely turn your world upside down.
On February the 11th 2018 we launched a crowd funding campaign. We want to start a conversation about mental health that is powerful. No more treading on eggshells. We are not invisible, We do not want to be hidden away. Our work in the studio and shop is #SmashingStigma every day, and now we are going to be a little noisier.
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