Studio Stories

I am trying not to get excited, but this is the 4th day of feeling myself, the 4th day in 12 months

I first came to Designs in Mind whilst still being in the middle of a manic episode. Despite “not being myself” I was treated with respect and the staff accommodated my needs and helped me to calm my thoughts and actions.

After the high comes the low and this is where Designs in Mind has been an instrumental stage in my recovery. Quite often before I leave home to attend, thoughts like “whats the point” “I’m not going to feel better for going” “it’s not going to change anything” pervade my thoughts. But…. Once I get myself here, by the time I have made a cup of tea and seem some friendly faces my anxiety and negative thoughts begin to lift.

One of the key aspects of Designs in Mind for me is that the tasks and projects have real meaning and purpose, I have suffered from mental health problems for twenty years and the old day centres and occupational therapy offered were soul destroying.

To be able to work on a project that is for the local community or a commission and produce a high quality piece of work is really rewarding. Days alone can be long and difficult – attending Designs in Mind helps to break my train of thought and lift my mood, I would be lost without Designs in Mind at this stage in my recovery.

The only thing is I have to prepare myself to leave. For about 30 minutes I’ll walk about, getting myself ready to face the world outside again. It’s not easy.

If you want to look after your mental health and join us- opportunities for self referral and open workshops coming soon,

#OurStory #MentalHealth #Shropshire